Our qualified Carers are carefully handpicked for their personality and attitude, not just their experience. They provide support to meet people’s needs with expertise, dignity and compassion, and plenty of laughter along the way.
They’ll perform essential duties like washing, bathing, personal care, cooking, shopping and household cleaning. We can also arrange overnight stays, companionship and befriending, and even practical tasks like gardening and DIY. Feel free to ring us on 01422 843999 or pop in for a brew and an informal chat on how we can help.
What We Do
- Care in your own home
- Complex care and end of life support
- Supported Living & daytime opportunities
- Cleaning & gardening
- Advice, aids & adaptations
Who We Support
- Older adults and young people
- People with a learning disability or autism
- People with mental health needs or an acquired brain injury
- People with chronic health conditions
How We Do It
- A team of dedicated and happy carers
- Quality training
- Flexibility & innovation
- We’re an organisation that listens
- We invest in our staff
What People Think
- “excellent care”
- “looked after properly”
- “completely relaxed with them”
- Read our testimonials!
Check out local superstar Hannah Cockroft 5 times Olympic gold medalist and our Carers in the video below, demonstrating their commitment and tenacity to achieve!